The October meeting of the Fishing Creek Herb Guild featured the presentation, "Forcing Bulbs", by Louise McCormick. A month before the meeting narcissus and amaryllis bulbs had been cold stored and then placed in "pinched neck" vases filled with water and exposed to light, allowing the leaves and eventually blooms to emerge. Louise distributed detailed information sheets on the techniques she employed for the process. President John Shott and other members also shared their experiences in purchasing and forcing these flowers.
The next meeting will be November 21st. The program will be "Job's Tears Jewelry" presented by Betty Deaner.
The issue of making a cash donation to local food bank charities instead of exchanging Christmas gifts among members will be decided for the December 12th meeting.
Nomination lists for officers, committee chairs and committee members were begun in October and will be finalized at the November meeting.
"Flowers and Herbs of Early America" by Griffith and Lombardi will be the annual book donation in November. Each year the Guild gives a book relating to herbs or gardening to each public library in counties represented by the membership. This year's book draws on archival research and field trials in Colonial Williamsburg gardens in Virginia, of over 56 species of flowers and herbs such as hound-tongue, ragged robin, costmary, pennyroyal, and all-heal, names which conjure up a bygone world.
December's Christmas party will feature a Jell-O mold contest in addition to the traditional potluck dinner and festivities.