from Janet D., Veep, April 26,2022
Please bring your YEARBOOK up-to-date by writing in all the information concerning
the current year. [Please consult your Membership List for full names, available at May meeting].
Officers: Add/change: V.P. Janet D., Treasurer: Deb Y.
March... yearbook lists 6 persons, add Joanne F.
April....Cynthia S, Sue D., Angie T.,Gloria A., Charlotte T., Irene F.
May.... Jean D., Connie L. Shirley H., Lynn F., Marion K.
June.....Picnic, everyone please bring a dish
July....Nancy N., Pat G., Ellisandra L., Sandy G., Judy K.
August....Janet D., Sally M., Cecilia K., Nancy G., Deb Y.
September...Sylvia C., Penny H., Barb C., Steve C., Karen M.
October....Linda B., Bobbi F., Daryl H., Barb C., Karen R., Loretta F.
November...Toni F., Sally M., Louise M., Deb B., Linda O., Debbi M.
December...Christmas party, everyone please bring a dish
As V.P., Janet will email or call hostesses one month ahead of time, but all members need to coordinate with each other about dishes. If anyone cannot hostess or do any of the other duties [Greeter, Herb Study], please reach out to find a replacement, V.P. cannot take on that task. Just notify Janet of the change, please, for the record.
May: Barb C., July: Linda K., August: Cecilia K., Sept: Toni F., Oct: Emily S., Nov: Bobbi F.
Herb Study:
May: Cecilia K., July: Linda K., Aug: Janet D., Sept: Nancy N. Oct :Ashley L. Nov. Cynthia S.
Please see the Yearbook for the names or contacts for chairs to volunteer or for information.